Global Golf Tour Fellowship Ministries

Ladies Professional Golf Tour (LPGA)

Symetra Tour

Legends Tour

Our ministry strategy is to bring the Gospel of Christ through a ministry of "presence" by building relationships within the current and retired Tour community.  This is done through Bible Studies, discipleship small groups, open forums, retreats and domestic and international mission projects.

If you are on Tour and desire to be a part of a small group or receive more information, please contact us.

College Women’s Golf Ministry

NCAA Women’s Golf

The goal and primary mission of this ministry is to come alongside college coaches and players, understanding their environment, and inviting them into a personal relationship with Jesus.

Through Christ’s love, the college women’s golf platform will become a place where coaches and players will-

  • Build an understanding of their true identity.

  • Gain awareness of their worth.

  • Realize their purpose.

  • Know their need for a Savior.

If you would like to receive more information about our College Women’s Golf Ministry, please contact

Sarah Bradley Young (918) 344 7550


Global Golf is an IRS code 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.  Support comes entirely from individual donors who believe in Global Golf's mission and its continuance.

If you would like to partner with us or desire more information, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.