“To be able to live your dream on tour is a huge blessing. However, due to many external and internal factors, life on tour can be really hard. We start on tour really young, some out of college and some out of high school. We are away from family, learning how to deal with a very unusual life style of living off a suitcase and facing strong competition week in and week out. Christian fellowship on tour was a great support group to me. It was a moment in the week that helped me put things into perspective, by focusing on my Father in Heaven who loves me and guards me regardless of my performance on the golf course. Besides being a great tool to help me strengthen my spiritual life, the Christian Fellowship enabled me to make amazing friendships rooted in Christ that go beyond life on tour. I’m extremely thankful for Christian Fellowship on tour.”

“Playing on tour is a blessing but it’s not an easy journey. It presents a myriad of challenges we have to learn to cope with if we wanna be successful competing and honoring God on and off the course. My personal experience on tour entailed a very intense emotional and spiritual battle. On many occasions I felt like the fellowship meetings were my lifeline. God provided genuine and profound friendships through these meetings and used them to offer wisdom, love and encouragement at much need times. I’m always and forever grateful for how God used Cris and my sisters on tour to remind me of the beauty of the gospel, the freedom of my identity in Christ, and the greatness of our purpose beyond competitive golf.”

“Fellowship each week was one of the greatest blessings during my time playing. Having sisters in the faith to meet with each week from around not only the country, but the world was a great encouragement. Those weekly meetings were pivotal and being reminded of my purpose and identity to live for Him and that my worth and value came from the Lord never grew old. Global Golf is truly impacting the nations and served as a place to study God's Word, pray and be in community with other sisters in the faith. I cannot say how thankful I am for the fellowship I had while I was playing thanks to God's use of Global Golf!”